Wednesday, November 1, 2017


NHS Library

 Most helpful: Using the library website

Students want to watch: Tiger visits the library

The Unquiet Library

Most helpful: Using Creative Commons

Students want to watch: New Book Arrivals 

Pikesville HS Library

Most helpful: Financial Aid Night

Students want to watch: Senior Party in the Library


Most helpful: Refresher on policies and procedures for media center

Students want to watch: Student interviews about Thanksgiving

YouTube Videos to Promote the Library

I would use YouTube videos as a means to tell the entire campus what events are taking place in the library.  Student volunteers could help record and be the on-air talent.  It could be a way to hold small trivia contests during the morning announcements, to announce new additions to our collections, and to remind students to bring back their overdue library books.

Book Trailer

Gabi, A Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero

Gabi Hernandez chronicles her last year in high school in her diary: college applications, Cindy's pregnancy, Sebastian's coming out, the cute boys, her father's meth habit, and the food she craves. And best of all, the poetry that helps forge her identity.

July 24

My mother named me Gabriella, after my grandmother who, coincidentally, didn't want to meet me when I was born because my mother was unmarried, and therefore living in sin. My mom has told me the story many, many, MANY, times of how, when she confessed to my grandmother that she was pregnant with me, her mother beat her. BEAT HER! She was twenty-five. That story is the basis of my sexual education and has reiterated why it's important to wait until you're married to give it up. So now, every time I go out with a guy, my mom says, "Ojos abiertos, piernas cerradas." Eyes open, legs closed. That's as far as the birds and the bees talk has gone. And I don't mind it. I don't necessarily agree with that whole wait until you're married crap, though. I mean, this is America and the 21st century; not Mexico one hundred years ago. But, of course, I can't tell my mom that because she will think I'm bad. Or worse: trying to be White.

Book Trailer

The book trailer was not difficult to put together.  Sometimes the images did not upload and there was no reason for them not to, but once the photos were up there it was a quick process to add text and music.  

QR codes can be fun and interactive ways to promote new material, to create scavenger hunts, present assignments and to scan for book trailers.  


  1. I chose some of the same YouTube videos!! I was very impressed with your QR Code that included an image of the book. I need to learn how to do that! QR codes are really fun to use and can serve an excellent way for students to be engaged. They are always carrying their cellphones, so might as well use them in a beneficial way. I also liked how the librarians documented their events and student participation through a YouTube video.

  2. I like your idea of using youtube videos for trivia contests and during morning announcements. I think the students will be excited to answer the questions and will be very motivated. Thanks!
